The Ambush in the Imperial Court - part 1

The Decline of the Rosen Clan - Episode 2 |

The one who succeeded was William Rosen. While serving as governor of an important coastal region, William, at the command of Emperor Emeritus Theodosius I, oversaw the construction of a grand cathedral, which he dedicated as an offering. It is said that the cathedral housed 1,001 statues of saints. This took place in the year 1131. the Emperor Emeritus, greatly pleased by William’s dedication, rewarded him with new lands and granted him permission to ascend to the imperial court. William was thirty-six years old.

However, the nobles, jealous of William's ascent as a man of martial lineage, sought to obstruct his advancement. They conspired to ambush him during the celebration of the year’s harvest, to be held in the imperial court on November 23 of that same year.

William, having caught wind of the plot, said, “I am not a man of civil office. I was born into a family of warriors, and now, I find myself facing unexpected dishonor. It is a disgrace both to my house and to myself. There is a saying in the ancient texts: ‘Keep yourself safe, and serve your lord.’ I will follow this teaching.”

Thus, he prepared himself in advance. Before entering the palace, he strapped a sword to his waist in a casual manner. Once inside the dim halls of the imperial court, he quietly drew the blade. When William raised the sword and held it to his hair, it shone like ice. The nobles, straining their eyes, were frozen with fear.

Among William’s retainers was a man named Wulf. Dressed in light armor and with a sword at his side, Wulf stood at attention in the small garden in front of the emperor's hall, awaiting the outcome. A guard in the palace, suspicious of Wulf’s presence, approached and demanded, “Who dares lurk by the pillars without showing their insignia? This is an insult! Leave at once.”

But Wulf replied, “I have learned that my master, William, whose family my ancestors have served for generations, is to be ambushed tonight. I am here to witness the outcome. I will not leave.”

Seeing Wulf’s resolve, the nobles judged that their scheme would not succeed, and thus the ambush for that night was abandoned.

This is a story based on a Japanese classic.

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