Sea Bass

The Decline of the Rosen Clan - Episode 7 |

It is said that the prosperity of the Rosen family is due to the divine blessings of the Corvus Magnus Shrine.

When Henry was still a provincial governor, he once sailed from the family's original estate to visit the shrine. During the journey, a large sea bass suddenly leaped into the boat. The ascetic monk leading the pilgrimage declared,
"This is a sign of favor from the deity who dispatched Corvus Magnus. You must eat it quickly."
Henry responded,
"There is a tale from the oriental lands where a white fish jumped into the king’s boat, a sign of good fortune. This, too, must be a good omen."

Although Henry and his retainers had strictly observed the ascetic discipline of abstaining from meat during the pilgrimage, he had the fish prepared and served it to his retainers and warriors. From that moment, good fortune followed him, and he eventually rose to the position of Grand Minister. His descendants, too, advanced swiftly through the ranks, as though they were dragons ascending through the clouds. To surpass the achievements of nine generations of ancestors is truly remarkable.

This is a story based on a Japanese classic.

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